"Just like the lotus we too have the ability to rise from the mud, blooming out of the darkness & radiating into the world." - Author unknown
If you are struggling with anxiety, depression, PTSD or identify as a survivor, trauma-informed yoga classes (see below for more information) can help you cultivate a safe place (within) again and help you explore the connection between mind and body through intentional movement, breath and mindfulness. Healing Through Yoga class series and/or Individual yoga therapy provide participants the opportunity to:
Find peace and healing
Exercise choices they have to move their body in ways that feel safe & comfortable
Learn to establish connection to self, trust others and strengthen relationships
Establish safety and stability in the body
Tap into inner strength and build skills and positive coping mechanisms for managing painful experiences
Regain power and control through mindful movements and reconnection to the body
What is Trauma Informed Yoga?
Trauma informed yoga focuses on empowering individuals by using invitational language;
focuses on choices.
Throughout the class you might hear the instructor say things like: “As you’re ready”, “If you’d like”, “You are in control of your practice”, "I invite you..."
In this yoga practice there is no right or wrong way to participate. The instructor is there to be a support – they know that you know your body best.
There are NO physical assists in trauma-informed yoga. The intention as the yoga instructor is to not dictate specific ways to be in a pose. They are there to guide and help you connect deeper to what feels best for you.
The practice helps to cultivate a safe, supportive, non-judgmental environment and provides a way of becoming more friendly with your body.
Trauma informed yoga cultivates strength and flexibility without force, emphasizes self-awareness and self-regulation and allows you to connect to your own personal exploration of the postures.
This practice does not dictate specific ways to breathe; rather it is about connecting to your natural, authentic breath – breathing in and out in ways that feels best for you.
“Energy held in immobility can be transformed…contrary to popular belief, trauma can be healed. Not only can it be healed, but in many cases it can be healed without long hours of therapy; without the painful reliving of memories, and without a continuing reliance on medication.” - Peter Levine
Healing Through Yoga 5 Week Wholehearted Living In Person Class Exploring Vulnerability & Shame
When: TBD
Where: In Person @ Fort Lewis College *Thank you FLC Counseling Center for hosting the series!
Who: This series is open to all humans. (This series is for community members & FLC students)
Cost: $225 for series
Student rates, partial scholarships (for those who qualify) & Payment plans available *Please DO NOT let money be a barrier to exploring this series! Reach out if you are interested and let’s find a way together for you to participate.
Limited space, pre-registration required.
The vision of the course is based on Brene Brown's research and books. It is intended to provide individuals with a means of becoming reacquainted with their body, heart & spirit, and develop skills to support grounding in the present moment and deepen their own healing. *No prior yoga experience needed.*
The 90 minute group provides an opportunity to explore a different weekly theme through teachings, experiential activities, mindful moments through breath & hand mudras as well as opportunities to share your truths as it feels right.
There is a separate 65+ minute audio yoga practice that accompanies each group. The yoga practice is taught through a trauma informed lens and encourages individuals to deeply listen to their bodies and modify poses as needed. The practices offer a way back to finding a safe space within. This audio is yours to keep.
There is a Wholehearted Living kit. In it are weekly handouts & additional resources and activities provided to support you on your wholehearted journey.
Healing Through Yoga 7 Week In Person Class Series
When:Fall 2025
Where: In Person at Fort Lewis College *Thank you FLC Counseling Center for hosting the series!
Who: This series is open to all humans. (This series is for community members & FLC students)
Cost: $315 for series
Student rates, partial scholarships (for those who qualify) & Payment plans available *Please DO NOT let money be a barrier to exploring this series! Reach out if you are interested and let’s find a way together for you to participate.
Limited space, pre-registration required by October 3rd, 2023.
Trauma informed yoga provides survivors a means of becoming reacquainted with their bodies to regain power, control, & peace through mindful movement & breath. The 120 minute group explores a weekly theme through educational teachings, experiential activities, mindful moments (breath and gentle movement) as well as space to share as it feels right and safe. There is optional coursework to explore on your own time.
The following themes are covered: Week 1: Introduction & Intention, Week 2: Safety, Week 3: Self-Kindness & Mindfulness, Week 4: Boundaries, Week 5: Expression, Week 6: Strength & Trust Week 7: Self-acceptance, Self-Love & Ceremony. Classes offer a way back to finding a safe space within.
*No prior yoga experience needed*
Facilitated by Shelley Nielsen, LCSW & RYT and Shari Fitzgerald, LPCC
Healing Through Yoga 6 Week Class Series On-Line Vulnerability & Shame Part 2
When: TBD
Where: On-Line
Cost: TBD
Payment plans available
Must have participated in Healing Through Yoga 6 week Vulnerability & Shame
Limited space, pre-registration required.
Trauma informed yoga provides survivors a means of becoming reacquainted with their bodies to regain power, control, & peace through mindful movement & breath. Classes have different themes based off Brene Browns research, focus on grounding & restorative postures, & are coupled with guided activities. Each class has a mini educational lecture coupled with resources/material & an hour of yoga. Classes offer a way back to finding a safe space within.
Free Trauma Informed Yoga Class : Session 1
When: October 2025, exact date TBD
If you are a provider and are interested in offering, please reach out to schedule a free session.*
Where: In-Person at Fort Lewis College, 5:00 - 6:15 pm
Cost: FREE
Limited space, pre-registration required. Class limited to 15 individuals.
This is an opportunity for individuals and providers to experience gentle trauma informed yoga, gather knowledge and deepen some self-care.
*No prior yoga experience needed*
Facilitated by Shelley Nielsen, LCSW & RYT
Individual Yoga Therapy Session
$100.00; 50 minute session
Available by appointment only
Yoga therapy provides holistic approach to mental health and physical healing using principles of yoga and mind-body psychology. Sessions can be complimentary treatment alongside traditional talk-therapy or a stand-alone alternative. Sessions provide support around issues such as trauma, unexpected change, grief, depression, anxiety, injury, physical disease and recovery. Commit to your journey toward wholeness, discover your innate wisdom and resiliency and move toward the life you desire. Continue your healing, growing, THRIVING today. *No prior yoga experience needed*